It’s coming, that cold dry season that brings Christmas, nostalgia and snow but also cracked lips, chills and gaps in your hardwood. Don’t fret! There are ways to prepare so you are ready for winter, your floors will thank you.

Every year we receive phone calls from homeowners asking “I have gaps in my hardwood, what can I do?” The answer is so simple, get a humidifier and track your humidity. Now, here is the tricky part, relative humidity and humidity are NOT THE SAME and this is very important for you to understand.
Humidity – this is the actual amount of water vapour present in the air and does not take temperature into consideration. This does not give us a good idea of the level of humidity present in the atmosphere because it does not tell us the amount of water which the air needs to become saturated. This is shown in grams per cubic metre.
Relative Humidity – this is the ratio between the actual amount of water vapour present in the air and the maximum amount of water vapour the air can hold at that temperature. This give us a fair idea of the humidity in the air and is shown as a percentage.
So when you look at your weather report in January and it’s telling you that humidity is at 70% this does not translate into your home. The temperature inside your home is different than the outside temperature therefore it has it’s own relative humidity that requires monitoring.

The ideal humidity recommended inside your home is 30% – 50% relative humidity and the recommended temperature between 22 – 25 degrees celsius. The good news? Your ideal humidity for your personal health is recommended between 40% and 50% relative humidity so it’s a win win.
Information is key
So many homeowners are not given this basic knowledge that can save from many headaches in the future. All refinish customers at Strong Roots receive a free cleaning kit and maintenance brochure so that you can enjoy your hardwood for many winters to come. For any questions, call us today! 250-765-3123