Tree Planting

Together, we are planting verified trees

Welcome to Strong Roots tree planting. Through veritree, we are working towards a sustainable future by restoring critical landscapes which help the planet thrive. veritree and their partners work around the world to ensure that each tree is verified, and that every dollar has a tangible impact.

Veritree Tree Planting

Follow our Strong Roots tree-planting journey on our impact hub here. We are starting with mangroves in Kenya. We can’t wait to see where things will grow!

Learn more about Veritree by clicking the link below.


To love hardwood is to respect the trees and the lifeline they give our Earth. Our mission is to marry our love of hardwood flooring with our love of nature and shift the culture of waste to a culture of using what you have and planning for long-term benefit to our environment.

The current flooring industry is built on waste and excess. We are here to offer aesthetically beautiful floors at a fair price with as little as possible impact on our environment.

Since March of 2020 we have committed to planting trees and eliminate waste with REDUCE, RE-FINISH, REPLENISH

“You know me, I think there ought to be a big old tree right there. And let’s give him a friend. Everybody needs a friend.”

― Bob Ross 

Want to learn more about sustainable hardwood? Check out our blog HERE